
Mirror time.

As FYP submission deadline is counting down in hours, I felt somewhat saturated from the obligated work and decided to look at something different. I went to watch the Steve Job’s commencement speech at Stanford.

This video is of course not new to me, neither to my generation. Yet the depth of his deceptively simple message leads me to fresh thoughts and brings me to realization.

Life is an amalgam of chain of events; the casual relationship between history and present is so much clear than predicting how your current decision impacts your future. It is always much easier to look backwards. In Jobs’ words, you have to somewhat trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

Mirror time. So how should I trust / strongly believe that I manage to connect my dots? I am an inspired mathematician wannabe becoming a grudging student in finance; on the way touched a wide range of things. I always bear mixed feelings towards coding but consciously and subconsciously I stumbled upon the realms of C++s and PHPs. I have many interests and love to ponder, but not real work (when compared with absolute winners…. What an unfair comparison) is done for the last 23 years.

Do I get to do great things? Could I lead the trend instead of sheepherding trends? Am I capable to be a man appears on documentary, sharing stories to inspire youths? What does it take to achieve true greatness?

Last night I told my friend that, we always need a higher aim to pursue our goals, and that will never be material awards or recognition from others.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish. (PAM! Another copycat ending! :D)

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